Boost Your Motivation By Using Your Intuition to Guide You

“ The thing that we often forget is that our intuition is working for us 24/7 ... and can be harnessed like the wind. When we stop all the distractions and focus our attention on the finer vibrations, a universe of intelligence is activated and surrounds us with clues, signals and inspiration. The Intuition becomes strengthened and expands with our dedication. It becomes generous and co-operative. Our efforts stimulate its ability to seek out and draw towards you the inspiration and momentum you have been searching for...”- Amy Norman-Foster
Tapping into this expanded field of intelligence is a skill you can personally master. Being magnetic to intuitive inspiration, motivation and momentum is not something you need to wait around for, hoping it will come to you. You can actually jump in and make it come to you.
Motivation Comes From Action and Focus
The ideas you take notice of each day are for the most part due to a brain process known as "selective awareness"... what you want, what you are interested in, and passionate about, all shape what you see, how you make decisions, and ultimately, how you form your habits.
Your motivation is a product of your habits. By taking specific and deliberate actions you can greatly influence your motivation. You can pretty much talk yourself into wanting something just as effectively as you can talk yourself out of wanting something.
You can do more lifting, plumping, boosting your motivation in areas of your life where you may feel it’s gone a bit blah.
The Desire for Love,
The Desire for Wealth,
The Desire for Happiness, Friendships, Good Health ...
Can be uplifted- by taking massive action in alignment with your true desires.
“True happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” - Mahatma Gandhi
You can surround yourself with positive affirmations and encouragement..
You can take specifically aligned actions every day and at consistent times.
You can increase your personal dedication, and work harder at it.
Taking focused and intuitive actions on a grand scale will ultimately lead to greater results.
Getting results inspire our confidence, and motivation to keep going, raising the bar higher and stimulating our intuition and innovation to create an ever wider scope of success.
Eventually, your success fills you up - and spills over into creating happiness for others, serving the the greater good, and gifting you with a sense of purpose in life.
Here are 8 Steps to
Create More Motivation Using Your Intuition
1. What do I really, really, really want?
Asking effective questions is how we get our inner guidance to kick in and navigate towards our goals. Your intuition can’t navigate effectively if it doesn’t have a destination. Ask, “What do I need right now? How can I increase your passion and focus? What do I want to experience more of?"
2. Formulate a vision.
Getting into alignment by visualizing what you desire most appearing in your life. Make the vision do-able and reachable, even if it is a stretch and you have to grow for it.
3. Start journalling about what it is you desire .
Writing stimulates your imagination and creativity. Got FOMO? It’s ok to want something that someone else has - but it’s a million times better to come up with your own version of happiness. Get creative and expand on your desires, add your own style, and meet your own tastes.
4. Immerse yourself in the vibe.
Create an environment in which you can try and try again. Big successes in life are often the result of having practiced about 10,000 times over. If you want to improve your social life, don’t go out once a month and wonder why you haven’t been invited to the BBQ. Ask your intuition, What can I do to meet new people and possibly fall in love? What would that look like, feel like, what actions can I take today?
5. Take on a growth mindset.
Ask your intuition, “What will it take for me to get to the next level?”.
“What can I do to make this area more productive and more enjoyable?” Asking your intuition questions like, “What do I want- now and after- I achieve x, y, and z?” This is an effective way to get your ideas flowing and not get caught up in the “This one goal and then I die.” mentality.
6. Confidence.
One of the big secrets of creating confidence is that it comes through having often achieved what you wanted . Actions that bring results build moments of self-confidence. Even small steps and goals when achieved, can add to your motivation to achieve more goals.
Proof is in the pudding, they say ... If you are suffering from the fear of not being good enough, turn it around into a positive affirmation, I AM GOOD ENOUGH and then achieve a small goal in alignment with that vibration.
7. Humility.
Without a good dose of selflessness, high motivation can become ... well, er ... icky and self-centered. Fill your heart, yes! But don’t forget that the ocean of love belongs to those who give as well as receive. Ask you intuition, Who can I help today? Who can I make happy? How can I bring more joy into someone else's day?
8. The Upward Spiral.
Acting motivated generates a powerful surge in your energy. Taking positive actions combined with enthusiasm, will attract opportunities, and new levels of ideas start flowing. The intuition responds to the energy you put into what you are doing. Visualize yourself moving forward and upward. Ask your intuition, What can I do to get ahead? What will improve this situation? What am I learning? How do I want to feel at the end of the day? What am I bringing to the table?
By aligning your actions with your intuition, you can bring a firey focus to your pursuits.
How do you get fired-up about your life? Are you motivating others?
Your potential is a beautiful thing. Aligned actions can awaken your intuition, a fresh identity and help you quickly level up your passion projects.
You know, if you have lost your motivation and are no longer pushing your boundaries, you will get stuck.
Tap into your true potential - and keep taking bold steps by seeking out new levels of growth.
Have you heard?
I have put out my first online course: Clairvoyance & Life Purpose you can check it out here.
I am also giving away a 5-page intuition workbook: “Finding Your Life Passion” You can get that free little treasure here!

Thank you for reading.
With Light and Love,
Amy Norman-Foster
Aura Reader and Master Intuitive Coach