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But before your go...
What if you could tap into a whole new way of bringing your dreams into reality...
by combining what you already know and love...with a little extra manifestation magic?

Join the 4 Day Intuition Jumpstart
Professional, proven techniques for grounding, strengthening and expanding your intuitive range of abilities - become an intuitive reader.
What you'll discover in this New Course Bundle
Over 4 illuminating weeks of study, you’ll gain access to Amy's three decades of knowledge and insights into the world of Tarot, Intuition and Manifesting… including:
Tools and techniques to help you clean out and release all energy and negative vibes from the past.
Untangle your personal energy and start new with a fresh, clean slate.
How to gain focus and clarity on what you really want to manifest and create this year.
How to create a Tarot Vision Boards amplified with crystals and feng shui.
Working with the Archangels to supercharge the power behind your vision board and plans for the future.
Learn daily habits from your Highest Self that can help you stay on track and in the magic.
And so much more...

Journey From Empath To Intuition Superpowers
About Your Host
Amy Norman-Foster is a certified Intuition Coach and trainer, with over 25 years of international readings for private clients and groups.
She began teaching intuition workshops in the Netherlands in 1999, and has been working as a trained, professional aura reader for over 20 years. Each year, Amy inspires Empaths, Healers and budding Psychics to live rich and joyful lives, connecting to their authentic, true self and intuitive gifts on a much deeper level.
Activate Your Intuition
“My life purpose is to help remove the fear of spirituality in people’s lives by creating new and easy ways for you to interact with your Intuitive Potential ... and manifest your unique destiny.” - Amy
Your journey begins here.
Over four video lessons, you’ll learn to forge new pathways toward a bright and fulfilling future… this year… and every year moving forward.
Lesson 1: Saying Goodbye to the Past
We’re more than halfway in to 2021, but you may still be feeling the energy or emotions of a long and difficult year. If this energy is keeping you stuck, or preventing you from feeling the new energy of this year, our first lesson will show you how to let go of the past, and start attaching to a positive and compelling future for this year… and beyond.
Bonus Lesson Materials: Tarot Spread Worksheet
Lesson 2: Tarot Vision Boarding
You may have heard about vision boarding… and you already know about Tarot… but have you ever merged these two gifts together? Find out what happens when you blend these two techniques and find new ways to supercharge your goals, plans, and resolutions, for this year... and every year moving forward.
Bonus Lesson Materials: FIVE Worksheets including a new spread and Rad's cards for Manifestation
Lesson 3: Manifesting with The Archangels
Now we’re going to go really high… and spend some time with our favorite Archangels. You’ll connect with some familiar celestial faces, the keepers of creativity, manifestation, possibility, and so much more. Be safely, and gently guided in the direction of your hopes, wishes, and dreams.
Bonus Lesson Materials: Archangel Book Excerpt, Chart, Spreads, and more
Lesson 4: Daily Guidance from Your Guardian Angels
The biggest step to creating change in your life… lasting change… is to find ways to integrate these teachings into your life in a way that works for you. Here you’ll work with your personal guardian angels to find daily guidance to keep you motivated, on track, and manifesting the experiences and opportunities you’ve been waiting for.
Bonus Lesson Materials: Two new spreads for guidance and support.
And Did We Mention: Your Bonus Bundle
We've put together one of the biggest bonus bundles we've ever done...
So you can have an incredible experience while manifesting magic in your life.
Bonus #1
Empath's Guide To Crystals
This is one of Amy's most-requested and talked about topics... and now he's bringing you a very special video session dedicated to these powerful tools for creating space for manifestation.
Bonus #2
Manifesting Magic Meditation
Enjoy this beautiful meditation experience as Amy guides you to connect with greater Intuition to support you on this journey.
Bonus #3
The Tarot LIVE Collection
Enjoy OVER THREE HOURS of on-demand recordings with Radleigh doing what he does best... providing readings and guidance for members of our beloved community. You'll laugh, cry, learn, and grow with these heartfelt readings and messages that contain something for us all.

Key 1: The Guidance of Your Angels
Every day in every way, your Angels are sending you messages of healing, encouragement, and unconditional love. Imagine what your life could be like if these voices were the ones that you were listening to? Learn how you can open yourself to hearing these messages, and how to attract even more gentle guidance into all areas of your life… and the lives of the people you care about.
Key 2: The Wisdom of Tarot
For over 500 years, Tarot has been a universal divination tool for unlocking the secrets of life’s greatest questions. This ancient source of wisdom was once reserved for fortune tellers and mystics, and was shrouded in mystery… but not anymore. Join Radleigh as he demystifies the art of Tarot, creates a safe and gentle space to explore your gifts… and start tapping into the wisdom of Tarot.
Key 3: Manifesting Magic In Every Area of Your LIfe
Visualization. The Law of Attraction. The Secret. These are amongst the most popular buzzwords in the New Age and Spiritual space... but when you add this one important step, the entire process transforms into an effortless, guided and beautiful experience. In this video training, you’ll find out what this new “secret” is… and how you can start bringing it into every area of your life.
About Your Host
Amy Norman-Foster is an expert Intuition Coach and Consultant with over 25 years of international readings for private clients.
She began teaching intuition workshops in the Netherlands in 1999, and has been working as a trained, professional aura reader for over 20 years. Each year, Amy inspires Empaths, Healers and budding Psychics to live rich and joyful lives, connecting to their authentic, true self and intuitive gifts on a much deeper level.

Join Me and Get Support From Your Manifesting Peers
Come online for LIVE group coaching calls. You'll get an in-depth look at my very best tips on working with Intuition, Tarot, and manifesting magic in your life.
PLUS: You'll get the chance to ask me, like-minded souls, (and the cards) any questions you may have!
Can't join us live? On Demand replays will be available in your account.
“If you listen, spiritual guidance will come. This is what happens when you open yourself to the idea of a laughing, loving, and never-ending magical experience of life. All That Is will prove to you again and again that LIFE IS MAGIC.”

Here's What Your Get
💡 Four 90 minute Info-Packed Training Videos with Radleigh
Learn everything you need to know about harnessing the power of Tarot to create and manifest your ideal New Year from the leading expert and authority in Tarot, Radleigh Valentine.
🗝️ Three Lesson Mini Course with Radleigh
Join Radleigh and Discover Three Keys for Unlocking Your Magical Life... and a beautiful collection of meditations, where you'll visit the temples of three Archangels.
😇 A LIVE Group Coaching Call
Join Radleigh and your Magical Manifestor peers to share your story and experiences working with Spirit, celebrate your manifestation success, get answers to your questions, and more.
📃 Brand-New Tarot Spread Downloadable PDF Worksheets
Follow these step-by-step guides specifically designed to help you build confidence in yourself, and allow you to get even more insights from the cards.
🙏 A Powerful MP3 Audio Meditation for Magical Manifestation
What course would be truly complete without a beautiful guided meditation from Radleigh. Follow the sounds of his voice... and the whispers of your Soul... as he leads you on a journey of spiritual discovery.
💎 Feng Shui and Crystals
Enjoy this tutorial video covering two of Radleigh's favorite tools for manifestation... and benefit from Radleigh's 30+ years of experience doing this magical work.
💌 Tarot LIVE Collection
Watch as Radleigh brings 3+ hours of powerful messages of healing, hope, and guidance to fans and followers from all around the world.
🐬 Amazing Technology Designed to Help You Grow
When you join this course, you'll gain unlimited access to some of the very best online learning technology available, so you can experience everything from the comfort of your own home.
❤️ Connecting with Your Soul Family
These courses are designed to be highly interactive, and will connect you to a beautiful like-minded global community of healers, seekers, and more.
Is this awesome sauce, or what?
There's only one thing left to do.
Use Coupon Code "MANIFESTOR" and save $200 off this program!
Get the WHOLE BUNDLE for just $97

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Register Now and Become a Magical Manifestor!
What better way to let go of the past... and embrace the possibilities, opportunities, and energy of a whole new direction.