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5 Epic Questions That Point To Your Life Purpose

Why would anyone want to have a life purpose?

Perhaps, like me, you want that guiding light, that clarity of direction to get you through the dark times.

Life can really throw you under a bus sometimes, and unexpected events like losing your job or moving to a new town can really mess up your sense who you are and how to stay centered in your life.

Defining your life purpose can be that strong inner compass that navigates the storms, and allows you to

continue to build on your life experiences, no matter where you are.

You may want to discover you life purpose...

To help you choose your longterm goals and accomplish them.

To share yourself with the world in a real and meaningful way.

To answer the call of your destiny.

To do something significant with your time on this earth.

Knowing your life purpose will guide you when things get hinky.

Deep down, we all have the passion to live life to the fullest.

Those yearnings that are nudging us, daring us to be free and creative in unique and personal ways.

You may not know your direction and purpose right now... But you can be fully present and listen within, so that what you are seeking can find you.

Life Purpose in this context is about living in alignment with your soul, and recognizing that fulfilling your purpose can come in many forms and pathways.

5 Epic Questions That Point to Your Life Purpose

Before we get into how to uncover your life purpose, let me point out that your purpose might not be work related. That’s up to you!

I have heard many times from people at the end of their life, that their greatest love was not in what they did for a living, but in activities that brought them happiness in a very specific way, particularly by being engaged in the opportunities that allowed them to express their true spirit.

I encourage everyone to take time to write down a few sentences in response to the following epic questions. Take time to come back to your answers in a few days and reflect on the importance of your answers. I also encourage you to reply to each question from your highest intuition.

1- What does a great life feel like, exactly?

When you think about your definition of success, how does it satisfy you on an emotional level?