July’s Hot Mess Reading

Somedays we are super cool and serene, some days we are a hot mess in July ...
There are times when it’s hard to trust what our intuition is telling us.
We feel wild, obsessed, out of control with questions.
When you’re not sure anymore where to turn for answers, a reading can be a life-saver!
I created this spread to light the way and guide you when your passion is so high, you feel so out-of-control, your passion could consume you.
Finding the light at the end of the tunnel. What is your intuition telling you to do?
Maybe you’ve stopped trusting your inner wisdom, and lost touch with your true north star.
Maybe someone’s got you ultra-bedazzled, and directionally confused, like a star-crossed lover.
Finding your way might require that you take a compassionate deep-dive into how you see yourself and open your eyes to how the Universe is really showing you the way.
Here are a few signposts to help you find your inner compass.
Take a New York minute and ask your intuition, “Where has my passion gotten carried away to the point of secret obsession?” Ignore the fact that your life is wildly out-o-balance, and you could be in for a big fall from that pedestal. Rather than get all wrapped up in what other people think, find a quiet space and ask yourself what you really need to get this burning desire under control.
So many people discover the essence of their entanglement is about how they think they are being seen through other people’s eyes. Think about who you want to be impressed. Who is judging you? Ignore them.
It’s OK sometimes to let go of the deep need to be seen and loved. Self-empowerment is true power.
Think about your current circumstances. How do you give your soul what it really needs? How can you take your power back? Do you have a wish that you can make come true? What would your life look like if you used the resources you have to nourish and feed your true desires?
Ask and you will receive! Try some affirmations and ask for signs. Pay attention to your conversaions, how the day is providing you with what you need to take your next step.
Be grateful for the guardian spirits who are guiding you. Opening the way is the first step, now ask that the Universe provide you with a signpost.
These days I’ve been using affirmations that are directly inspired by my readings in order to really flip the switch: from blocked to blessings!
Try these affirmations for finding your way in these the hot & messy times:
- I am a hot mess & I own it.
- I am willing to let go of people who do not commit to me.
- I am worthy of my dreams and goals.

Thanks for reading!
If you would like a reading - drop me a line on the CONTACT PAGE
Not sure what to ask? I have new readings on offer here to check it out!