New Chapter? 8 Signs From The Universe It’s Time!

How do you know when it’s time to
move in a new direction?
Do you find yourself spinning and questioning and doubting whether you are acting on your highest good, or whether this transition is coming at a bad time for you?
Is it time to start a new chapter?
I've had clients from all over the world ask if the signs they’re seeing are actually good or bad omens.
Or whether it ’s just a coincidence that these signs are showing up at all.
But coincidences don’t really exist, do they?
So we could be wandering around thinking hard, trying to figure things out, but completely unaware that the Universe is trying to answer.
And is ready to give us the encouragement and guidance we need!
Are we are ignoring the signs ?
Maybe like me, you've turned to your spiritual helpers for guidance. Hoping for a little spiritual support.
Wondering if it was this next step is really the best thing for you, and if it’s time to leave your current situation.
And with that simple request, we open the doorway to guidance and support from the universe.
And then your driving alond and maybe you see an enormous billboard right in front of you, that says, "It’s Time!” with a bright picture of a jet flying off into the clear blue sky.
But still hesitating, you wonder, is it time for me, though?? Is that the sign I’ve been waiting for?

Good News: The more we ask for signs the more we will see them.
At least that’s been my experience.
When I ask for help from the universe, I get a phone call from a friend,who is supportive and makes me feel good about my decision. Or, if I’ve been putting off making a decision for too long, I’ll start seeing adverts that say, "Just Do It!"
I often ask for help from my ancestors and guardian angels, and like you, I receive very specific messages in response to my prayers. These communications are very compassionate and often show up accompanied with a distinctive healing energy and in the loving energy presence of spiritual guides.
There is spiritual help available to us 24/7 But are we paying attention?
I also know we can walk around completely unaware of what is happening around us. Here we are, hoping and praying, but doubting what is in front of our noses. thinking,
Is that burning bush really a sign I should go? Fun fact- I actually had a brush fire come right up close to my front door, and a friend asked, “Do you think it’s a sign?” It was! I was still spinning my wheels, unable to let go of the old career as an advisor, and take on my new path as a full-time reader and teacher.
Here are 8 Signs that The Universe is Trying to Get Your Attention
1. 1. 1. 1. Repeating Numbers
I love numerology because the meanings of numbers do not change! (3 is a 3, and never a 4!)
If you have been seeing the same sequence of numbers over and over again, then chances are the universe is trying to communicate with you.
For instance, when I left my professional cooking career, I kept seeing 1 2 3 4...
like, all the time! Everyday, several times throughout the day, and for years...
These numbers would show up in the oddest places, and so finally I started to wonder, what could it mean? The funny thing was, I had taken a numerology course years ago, and I was still not paying attention to what was happening in front of my nose.
But deep down, I knew. It was the Universe's way of telling me I had to take steps to move forward, and that if I did, I would be tapping into my greater potential.
2. You Hear Messages in the Music
If you are clairaudient then you probably already experience that the music you hear on the radio, in the grocery store, and everywhere you go, is sending you messages from the abundantly vibrational universe.
Ever since I was very young, I’ve loved listening to the radio. No doubt, the reason I have developed my intuition to such a high level is because of years of listening to the radio... imagining the people and stories playing out in my mind’s eye. I could hear, feel and see the messages around me.
I found out much later that this was a great way to develop clairaudience!
I receive messages regularly through music. The Universe loves musical messages, it is very easy and accessible way to communicate, for all manner of spiritual guides. Vibration is the medium of all creation.
3. You Feel Like You Have No Purpose
If you feel that where you are now is no longer fueling your passion and nourishing your soul’s growth, you may be painfully aware that you no longer feel connected to your purpose in life.
Feeling separated from the Universe, God, and Each Other is a telltale sign that you may have wandered off into The Dark Night of the Soul.
You may feel you have to be someone you are not, in the situation you are in.
You may feel forced to settle and compromise into soul-crushing circumstances,
even though youknow it’s not right, you may be afraid of disappointing others.
Saying good-bye, or being afraid of the unknown, keeps you doing what you’re doing, even though you feel lost or unable to even talk about it.
4. You Worry About Money All The Time
You are not meant to struggle and barely get by. If you are struggling, it’s time to look for a new and better road. The universe wants to provide for you, but sometimes you need to get up and look around for new opportunities in order to allow better things to come to you!
If you are feeling anxious, depressed, under-valued and out-of-place in your situation, this is an intuitive signal, a clairsentient sign, that something is not feeling right and it's time to open yourself up to fresh, new possibilities.
5. Bad Karma Seems to Follow You Around
If you have found yourself in an unfortunate chain reaction ... making one bad decision after another, experiencing struggles and difficulties one after another, then the universe wants you to know that it's time to recalibrate your vibes.
An aura reading can be really helpful to help you see the high vibrational choices available to you at this time. Aura readings help you see your best opportunities and a fresh perspective on your direction that will feel positive and uplifting to your soul and aligned with your well-being.
6. Bad and Good Omens
Are you seeing physical signs appearing all around you, such as coins, feathers, lights and colors, crows, dreamcatchers, billboards or bumper stickers?
If you tend to lean into Clairvoyance as your main intuitive sense- you might be receiving visual messages that suddenly appear in front of you and at the most synchronistic of times.
Symbols such as shells, stones and flowers have been used as oracles for centuries.
In order to interpret these signs correctly, you must ask yourself on an intuitive level what does this sign mean for you?
... Natural elemental signs can be the most powerful ones- because the universe wants you to tune in and listen to your own truth and power of inner knowing. It’s hard to ignore the interpretation, when you are hearing your own inner voice.
7. Synchronicities Start Showing Up
Synchronicity is the noticable happenstance of events connecting and converging in a meaningful way.
For example if you have been thinking of leaving your job, and all of a sudden it seems like many of the people you are talking to are all leaving their jobs, and moreover, they are going to a company that may have a role for you.. That would be synchronicity.
Or maybe you've been wondering if it's time to move on, and the company suddenly announces they'll be laying people off next year. No choice to make, It’s time.
Or maybe you see a book, a show, or a commercial that inspires you to tap into your greater potential.
Pay attention, doors open for those who pay attention!
8. Your Gut Instincts are Screaming, It’s Time!
So, let's face it, when it's time to go and we're standing at that crossroads, We know it!
If your head is shouting, “Get me out of here!" loud and clear, it’s time. Yes!
Your intuition speaks through your body and emotions. Especially if you an Empath or Clairsentient.
You may be having stomach issues, like neausea and heartburn as signs of stress and that something’s not right. It is a weel know fact that people suffering from burnout are often experiencing these symptoms lond before they take measures to change what they are doing. Sleepless nights, anxiety and depression are messengers that there is something out of alignment with your higher good.
Don’t ignore your intuition.The Universe is speaking to you.
Don’t be afraid to start a new chapter. You can change your story.
When you know it’s time, it’s better to listen to the universe’s gentle calling, than cling to a situation that’s no longer working for you.

Let go or be dragged (A Zen Proverb)
If you still think you’re getting your signs crossed, you can get a little reading with me, here!
Or, check out my new hands-on intuitive course:
Life Purpose and Clairvoyance
Available now on Teachable!
Made with Love and Light,
Amy Norman Foster
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