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6 intuitive things couples do who stay together

things couples do who stay together

Today I'm going to share with you some intuitive skills that will ultimately determine whether you stay together or not.

I know, that's big, so let me share what I've learned from years of intuition discovery.

Do you ever wonder why some people seem to create a happy marriage, and others don't?

Do you ever find yourself at a loss when it comes to connecting deeply with your mate?

Does it sometimes seem hard to find the right quality and energy to make your relationship an important priority?

I've got great news- all of that can change. Right now.

The quality of your relationship is influenced by the quality of your connection. What you do each day to communicate, embrace and focus on each other, is hugely affecting whether your relationship will be successful or not in the long run.

I want to share with your the most important ways using your intuition greatly affects your ability to achieve a deep and lasting connection.

Your approach to each other each day can affect your long-term success as a couple. Healthy, loving connections create a lifetime of healthy loving. Soulful connections create soulmates. Selfish, disempowering connections create a lifetime of disempowerment.

Nothing is wrong with the way you relate to each other now; it's just a shift in your awareness.

Feeling sometimes like a hamster on a wheel in your relationships... feels like nothing is ever going to change. I know what it is like to have no energy or drive and I have felt the frustration of living along side each other and not knowing how to make a shift towards the connection you crave.

Fear not- changing your focus does not require you to change your life.

All it takes is the yummy desire to feel close and connected with your heart. Your commitment to each other sometimes needs you to step up show each other the doorway to your passion and compassion.

Intuitive Things Couples Who Stay Together Do Often.

1) Tune -in to your partner. More than just listening, put your attention on your loved one and get what is happening with him at this moment. Couples who connect, empathize and understand where the other person is coming from are able to intuitively know what this person needs, desires and is open to in a positive way.

2) Harmonize When two people are operating at a different frequency, the strongest vibration will ultimately take center stage. The weaker vibration will either raise up or lower down to match the more powerful vibration. Feel that happening when you put on music, notice how the environment will adjust to the vibration. It can help you to slow down, be calm and happy, or stressed out, excited, and nervous . Try this to connect and harmonize on a deep heart centered level : breathe with your mate: While lying down, put your hand gently on his heart, and breathe with him for a minute or two. Allow your out- breath to gradually match the length of his out-breath. Allow your full attention to follow the rise and fall of his breath. You don't have to talk. Just let go and breathe together. Very gently, with as little effort as possible. Just relaxing and connecting, and see what happens. If you practice this technique for 5- 10 minutes more, miracles happen on an intuitive level. You become deeply attuned to each other's energy. You feel an indescribable connection that is unlike ordinary everyday awareness. Knowing each other, feeling each other's energy, harmonizing your vibration in a real and tangible way.

3) Attract him. More than flirting, your intuition opens up your eyes to spontaneous in- the -moment ways to reach out- both physically and energetically. When you focus your attention on someone with desire and playful energies, your intuition will naturally guide you to do what feels good to draw him /her near. Eye contact, smiles, a soft touch, the tone of your voice and willingness to create a space between you that desires to be filled. Trust in your spontaneity and trust your intuition to draw him to you.

4) Flow Sweet flow. You know each other so well, can feel their feelings and hear their thoughts without even trying. There is a level of consciousness that is so intuitive, you know what each other are doing and feeling no matter where you are- home together or miles apart. Couples naturally can tap into flow and accomplish everything smoothly, joyfully and synchronistically by trusting in that vibe.

5) Navigate your dreams together. Happiness is deeply dependent on your ability to support each other and want each other to be happy. Couples who unwaveringly support their loved one without judgement, will unselfishly give their partner room to be themselves, succeed and fail, grow and learn. Your intuition will guide you how to actively say and do exactly the right things to be there for both your own needs and his in exactly the right way. Navigate your day together and notice how you will intuitively know what to do and where to go on multiple levels of clarity.

6) Unify Having a common goal as a couple will bring you closer together in ways you cannot imagine.

Combining hearts and minds and energy will give you solid experiences to build a beautiful future together. Sweeeet. When it comes to setting energy into motion, co-operation and unification will amplify your momentum every time.

If you don't already have a shared goal, consider having a conversation. On top of getting to know each other better, maybe you can find one aim or priority you can both get excited about.

My husband and I have a shared aim: ahimsa - which is to do no harm to any living thing. It is a challenge that we both have benefitted from enormously, and has helped us grow together with compassion. Because of our caring for all of life, we have helped each there in very subtle ways become better human beings.

What will be the long- term benefit of being more intuitive in your relationship?

How will it change your life?

Make today a great day for all of your relationships.

Lots of love from California,


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