How to Protect and Shield Yourself from Energy Vampires and Negative Energy

The world is humming with vibrational energy.
Everything can be felt, sensed and perceived through the subtle senses as well as the physical senses.
Sometimes it’s like having a big satellite dish on your head. You pick everything up!
You are incredibly open to everyone else’s thoughts and energy.
Staying centered can be challenging!
If you sense other peoples emotions and energy all day...
you can get tired and drained quickly
feel bombarded with their telepathic story
probably pick-up a lot of energy,
And spend a great deal of effort trying to stay balanced
and keeping the peace around you
So that you can function comfortably in your environment
with your high sensitivity.
If you are an intuitive person, this is a problem!
- It can make you feel vulnerable to other people’s agendas and pushes your boundaries.
- Being around big egos makes it difficult to stay focused on what you want and what you think.
- If you’re out of balance, it's hard to contribute in a positive and meaningful way.
It’s important to get clear and centered in order to deal with negativity and
clear away the sticky hidden energies we pick up throughout the day.

When to Clear Your Energy
When you feel overwhelmed
Before and after an important discussion
When out shopping, or in a crowd
When you’re making decisions and need intuitive clarity
After being around negative people with hidden intentions
When you need your space, if someone is trying to bulldoze you
As a light-worker, before and after all readings, healing, or events
Clearing and Centering: An Essential Practice
1. Step one: Shields up! Envision a very bright white light all around you.
This will raise your vibration, and cast away negative energy instantly.
2- Clear Your Aura
Imagine a ball of fiery energy coming up from deep in the earth. It is purifying and clearing away energy that you don’t need. Visualize it traveling up through your grounding channel, entering the feet and passing upward through your body, and out through the top of your head.
Continue to imagine it is clearing away all of the unwanted energy. Imagine you have a channel of light extending upward to your Higher Self.
The cleansing fire rises up through the crown of your head, and all the way up this cosmic channel, clearing and dissolving all unwanted influences, expectations and energy.
3. Add empowering energy to your aura. Imagine now that your Higher Self is pouring light and energy down the spiritual channel and into the top of your head. Feel the vitality enter you, like a warm golden light, and breathe it out through your solar plexus. See the light energy filling up your whole body and forming a beautiful aura of etheric light around you. Give your aura a color that feels right for you now. Adjust the size and energy to suit what you need now.
4. Ground and balance your awareness ...Make your body heavier and centered through your bones and grounding. Practice switching your awareness from your body to your aura a few times.
5. Visualize a symbol of separation in front of your aura
I visualize a white rose. A symbol works energetically and mentally to separate your energy from others, and is good for staying centered and focused.
6. Finally, sense yourself as one wholistic energy. Observe and strengthen from your power within. Get familiar with what it feels like to be centered and grounded, so that you can recall this state easily when you need it.
With a little practice, this process will only take a couple of minutes.
If other people’s stories are still following you around throughout the day:
Firmly send away any thoughts that keep haunting you.
Be insistent and send the unwanted thoughts out of your aura in a ball of light.
See them dissolving into the sky. Neutralize and release them.
Pay extra attention to your grounding by taking a walk and getting fully into your body.
You will feel centered and more aware of your energy.
Creative visualization will activate your aura.
Do you need calm? Mentally give yourself a calming blue or green aura.
Do you need confidence? Give yourself radiant yellow and red. Do you need more energy? See wave after wave of endurance with orange and and gold.
When you shift your mentality, your body changes:
It’s not just your imagination!
Your attitude, feelings and decisions are changed by shifting your mental state.
Visualization is a powerful tool that affects you, and your environment.
You will start to notice subtle changes happen:
Less entanglement with dramatic people
Access to your inner guidance
Having more ideas and empowered responses
Feeling grounded, clear and at peace
Able to communicate and manifest with better results
If you have a decision on your mind
and would like a big boost of intuitive insights,
Come on over and check-out my expert aura and tarot readings.
In light and love,
Amy xo