Free Moon Manifesting
A Manifesting Ritual Planner
That Aligns With The Power of The Lunar Phases-- Get it now!

About this (free) download:
Each page is designed for a different function, and can be printed as many times as you need.
What's in the bundle?
☆ 8 high quality pdfs available for immediate use
☆ Available in A5 and US LETTER sizes
☆ Daily journal section with space for weekly reflections
☆ Full moon page
☆ New moon page
☆ Intention Check-in page to keep track of your progress throughout the whole moon cycle
☆ Unlimited personal use!
Use the moon journal pages to keep track of your manifesting progress through the phases of the moon.
About the Author
Amy Norman-Foster
Purely Intuitive’s founder, with 30 years of professional intuitive readings,
Aims to inspire others to develop their greater intuitive & psychic abilities.
Amy teaches internationally about the three levels of intuition development:
Navigation, Creative-Intelligence and Psychic Skills.
If you are interested in becoming an expert intuitive practitioner,
Look for my weekly newsletter with updates on registration for the training, starting soon!